Print - Retail - Display Design
Creative Team: Steve Gammel, Ray Gordon, Mike Solis, Mark Hertweck
Febreze products have long been leaders in the home care industry. Our first project was designed to launch the new lighter and more environmentally-friendly Febreze ONE product line. We needed to showcase light and airy. Our clean atmospheric bubble was the answer. Our digital team did a great job working with our Art Directors getting the reflections and colors just right for print production.
The second project was to highlight the two new holiday scents for Febreze. We developed two holiday season key visuals and display designs to implement at retail during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We wanted to play on the softer side of reasons for air freshener.
Print - Retail - Display Design
Creative Team: Steve Gammel, Ray Gordon, Devon Colson, Mark Hertweck
Display building can be one of the trickiest parts of bringing a campaign to life in retail. This particular assignment was to redesign the hero displays for Swiffer in hopes to gain more out-of-aisle exposure. After pencil mania took place, three ideas rose to the top and were built out in 3D programming as well as white sample creation for final production.